The Ultimate List: 10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

It is essential to point out that bedtime stories have always been a part of a child’s life. Not only can these be fun for both parents and children, but they also teach important lessons to follow in life. Wisdom, humor, and values have made Indian moral stories in English famous for centuries. Whether it is a short story in English or free bedtime stories available online, they are ideal for children to develop creativity, imagination, and values.

Indians love reading short bedtime stories; among the most famous tales are the Panchatantra and Mahabharata. These are some of the best bedtime stories to read online, and they have moral lessons that are perfect for every child. Such stories are about animals, gods, kings, and warriors who give people advice through simple lessons.

Check out these interesting 10 short stories with morals and suitable lessons that are fun to read before your kid’s bedtime.

1. The Monkey and the Crocodile (Panchatantra)

The Monkey and the Crocodile is one of the tales from the famous collection of Indian stories, Panchatantra, written long ago. Ranked on top of the list of moral stories in English, this is one of the Tales of the Panchatantra in the form of a short story about the clever monkey who teaches a nasty crocodile a lesson for trying to deceive him. This story provides children with an essential lesson about the importance of thinking on their feet and how to outdo the wrongdoers.

Moral: “Quick thinking and cleverness can help you overcome deceit and danger.”

Story link:

10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

2. The Thirsty Crow (Indian Folktale)

Another small story famous worldwide is “The Thirsty Crow,” which teaches the message of perseverance. It is a story about a crow who acts smart and learns how to solve the puzzle of drinking water from a pot. It’s a great example of how it is possible to overcome difficulties with insistence.

Moral: “Perseverance and resourcefulness can help overcome challenges.”

Story link:

10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

3. The Foolish Lion and the Clever Rabbit (Panchatantra)

This Panchatantra story shows how a clever rabbit outsmarts a lion, teaching kids that smart thinking can be more powerful than strength.

Moral: “Intelligence and clever thinking can triumph over brute strength.”

Story link:

10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

4. The Story of Ekalavya (Mahabharata)

The story of Ekalavya, from the Mahabharata, is one of the best moral stories in English that might have been very instructive. It teaches the energy of determining to forge on regardless of odds and the importance of doing things independently regardless of circumstances.

Moral: “Determination and self-reliance can help you achieve greatness, even in the face of adversity.”

Story link:

10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

5. The Loyal Mongoose (Indian Folktale)

This moral story is about loyalty and trust. A mongoose saves a boy from a deadly snake, but the mongoose suffers unfairly due to a misunderstanding. This bedtime story teaches the importance of good judgment and trust.

Moral: “Rash decisions made without proper judgment can lead to unfair consequences.”

Story link:

10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

6. The Turtle and the Swans (Panchatantra)

A short story in English from the Panchatantra, this tale teaches the value of silence and listening. A talkative turtle learns the hard way when his chatter leads him into trouble, reinforcing the lesson that sometimes silence is golden.

Moral: “One should speak only at the right moment.”

Story link:

10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

7. The Story of Karna (Mahabharata)

In the great Indian epic Mahabharata, the story of the generous and honorable Karna, who tragically dies, teaches children to be loyal to friends and to follow their principles. Even though Karna’s challenges are severe, this character in the novel stays moral, making it one of the most vital moral stories in English.

Moral: “Loyalty, Generosity, and Staying true to one’s principles lead to honor and respect, even in challenging circumstances.”

Story link:

10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

8. The Mice and the Elephants (Panchatantra)

The Panchatantra moral bedtime story from India is a short bedtime story about friendship and bonding. The mice free a group of elephants caught in nets, thus a lesson on how the little can assist the giant. It was a great example of cooperation and understanding that should happen in the workplace.

Moral: “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Story link:

10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

9. The Brave Abhimanyu (Mahabharata)

One of the most inspirational and vivid stories of courage is the tale of Abhimanyu from the great Mahabharata. When the odds are stacked against him, he forms a massive formation known as the Chakravyuh. This is a good bedtime story because it explains moral values such as courage and tenacity to children.

Moral: Courage, determination, and perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds are admirable and inspiring qualities.

Story link:

10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

10. The Blue Jackal (Panchatantra)

This small story tells the tale of a jackal who, after being dyed blue, tricks the other animals into thinking he’s their king. But his true identity is revealed when he forgets his disguise and howls. The story teaches kids that dishonesty never lasts and that one should always stay true to oneself.

Moral: “Dishonesty and deception are short-lived, and it is always better to be true to oneself.”

Story link:

10 Must-Read Indian Bedtime Stories for Kids

More on the Power of Storytelling

When a child reads such short stories, his or her character and mindset can be significantly influenced. Though free, these bedtime stories have different moral lessons about being kind, brave, or intelligent. Easy-to-understand stories based on the Indian Panchatantra, the Mahabharata, and many more moral stories in English are ideal for passing on moral values to children in the form of stories.

These bedtime stories to read online are fun and informative for children. They entertain and help children build their character as they grow. Tales from Indian epics and fables are ever-relevant gems and entice kids to learn from them throughout their lives.
For more information about kid-centric homes, explore Ashiana Kid-Centric Homes.


Indian mythology and lore are full of timeless life lessons and essential lessons for kids. These are among the best short or small stories that students and children can read in English and teach a good lesson. By the end of these 10 lines short stories with morals, your child can sleep with feelings of bravery, wisdom, and kindness.

For parents who want to include storytelling in their regular schedule, these free bedtime stories present a perfect opportunity to teach the children in a fun and effective manner. Thus, the next time you search for the best short bedtime story, look no further.

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Q1. What are the 5 stories of Panchatantra?

The stories included in this set are “The Turtle and the Swan,” “The Monkey and the Crocodile,” “The Elephant and the Sparrow,” “The Friendly Rats” and “The Doves and the Rats.”

Bedtime stories allow children to form a stronger sense of personal identity by thinking about what they value and what choice they would make in a character’s situation and by unconsciously learning how to wield the power of narrative-making for their lived experiences.

Benefits of reading a bedtime story to your kids. “Establishing a bedtime routine that includes reading books and telling stories is a wonderful way to promote parent-child bonding while helping develop children’s literacy, language, and social-emotional skills.

Finally, sharing a bedtime story with a child may strengthen emotional bonds between parent and child, soothe an upset child, lengthen a child’s attention span, and make the child feel special after the birth of a sibling. These non-cognitive benefits need further investigation.

About The Author

Ashiana, Ashiana Housing build homes. Homes surrounded by vast green spaces and fresh breeze. Homes cocooned in secured gated complexes. Homes where futures are forged and there are opportunities to grow. And Homes in environments brimming with healthy activity, trust and respect. At heart, we build communities with care.

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