Kid Centric Homes

Kid Centric Homes

Kid Centric Homes: The Future of Real Estate

January 29, 2020 Kid Centric Homes 

If you have children and want to give them a great start in life, providing them with a home environment that challenges and encourages them is a good place to start. If you’ve never heard of a kid centric home, the informational guide below will give you details on what kid-friendly amenities
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Emotional Wellbeing of Children | Ashiana Housing

January 17, 2020 Kid Centric Homes 

Parents often tend to focus more on the key growth statistics of their children, such as their academic scores, their weight, height, their food habits, etc. But they often miss out on keeping a check on their children’s emotional and mental well-being. As supermoms and super dads, running multipl
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5 Best Tips to Raise and Nurture the Emotional Intelligence of Children

January 17, 2020 Kid Centric Homes 

Nurturing the emotional intelligence of children doesn’t require a lot of time or effort. You can do so by making small efforts like- 1. Spend Quality Time With Your Child Spending some quality time with your children is essential for building a healthy emotional health Some ways to do it are: Pla
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Tips to Nurture Creativity in Young Children

January 15, 2020 Kid Centric Homes 

The world of young children is full of magic and wonder. According to a Schulastic blog, the creativity of a child peaks before the age of six. This stage is often before a child enters formal education. By igniting your child’s creativity during this period, you lay a strong foundation for the fu
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10 Things that Parents of Successful Kids Do Differently

January 14, 2020 Kid Centric Homes 

Needless to say, all parents want their children to become successful, independent and responsible citizens when they grow up.  While the definition of success may vary, not every kid grows up to succeed in their career and personal life. So what gives an edge to some children despite getting t
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Instilling Leadership in Children | Ashiana Housing

January 14, 2020 Kid Centric Homes 

“True leaders are not born, they are made.” We live in a world created and shaped by inspiring leaders from all walks of life. As a parent, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our children emerge as future leaders. For that, we have to start today. By teaching your children the right values
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Parents’ Financial Decisions | Child Behavior

January 3, 2020 Kid Centric Homes 

Becoming a parent is a beautiful life changing experience which every couple wishes to have at least once in their life. But a small baby brings along the huge responsibility of future planning which involves efficiently managing current expenses and building a stable investment portfolio. An additi
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Importance of Opening the Gates of Library

December 9, 2019 Kid Centric Homes 

Which is that one building which is the tallest in every city? The library, of course. Why? Because it has the most stories (storeys). Jokes apart, libraries are a national treasure, an unbreakable tie which binds history and culture with the present. The word library has been derived from the Frenc
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Living in Ashiana Housing is instant gratification

November 20, 2019 Kid Centric Homes 

Have you ever heard someone saying, “I am going back to my house”? The answer is negative. One always says that he/she is going back home. Home is a place where not only you live or crave to back after a day’s hard work, it’s a place where your dreams, aspirations, love, and care are pre
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5 ways to Develop a Learning Attitude in Your Kid

November 15, 2019 Kid Centric Homes 

There is no sight so endearing as smiling bright-eyed children and no music so sweet as their loud and ringing laughter. Babies seem so little and fragile, oblivious to everything around them but on the contrary they are absorbing everything like a sponge. Young kids have a bottomless reservoir of e
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Children’s Love for Gated Communities | Ashiana Housing

October 24, 2019 Kid Centric Homes 

Gated communities are large self-sufficient residential enclaves enclosed within walls and fences and offer multiple utilities that facilitate a comfortable modern urban lifestyle. Sensing the phenomena of a growing inter-societal gulf due to urban constraints, many visionary developers focused on c
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Impact of Environment on Child’s Growth

October 11, 2019 Kid Centric Homes 

Psychologist believes that a child’s environment during the early years has a huge impact on their behaviour and attitudes. Apart from the family, the neighbourhood in which they grow up is an integral part of the environment that influences a child’s development. Here are some of the ways the i
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