Senior Living

Senior Living

Silver Parents Step Beyond The Conventional Family Support System

July 31, 2018 Senior Living 

Sushil is a 65-year-old retired professor living in Gurgaon with his wife, Keerti, a 59 year old homemaker. Their two children Rahul and Sonia are well settled in USA. Earlier the family would reunite 2-3 times a year; either the parents would go to the US or their children would visit. But now as t
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Senior Living – The Growing Trend in Southern INDIA

October 9, 2017 Senior Living 

It was at a relative’s wedding that I met Mrs. and Mr. Sridharan. We were neighbors’ years back and hadn’t kept in touch. But we recognized each other instantly and got chatting to cover up for lost time. Mr. Sridharan told me that they had recently booked a house in a Senior Livin
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6 Things to Remember while Caring For People with Dementia

February 8, 2017 Senior Living 

How we interact with people who have dementia is important – because it can have a lingering emotional response to sadness and anger even though they can’t remember or explain why they feel that way. Treat them with respect People with dementia are not small children. They’re mat
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6 Questions Seniors Must Ask If They Are Living Alone!

January 27, 2017 Senior Living 

As you get older, how can you be sure you’re doing enough to stay physically and emotionally healthy?Ask yourself the following questions to assess how you’re doing. Is your home age-friendly? As you get older, your physical health begins to decline more rapidly. So you need to guard yourself fr
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4 Things to Remember When Looking for Senior Living Homes in Chennai

July 22, 2016 Senior Living 

Gone are the days when senior living in India was confined to old age homes. A growing number of Indian seniors are financially stable, well-travelled and socially active. They want to live life on their own terms, in the company of like-minded people – in surroundings that are especially designed
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Grow Old Gracefully – Senior Living as an Option

July 10, 2016 Senior Living 

The only thing that comes to us without effort is ageing. Celebration requires no age bar; it raises its followers by its silhouettes. Surprisingly studies have shown that seniors are among the happiest groups of people and are significantly happier than their middle-aged counterparts, so will the n
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5 Ways Senior Living Communities Improve Quality of Life

February 5, 2016 Senior Living 

One of the biggest myths about senior living communities is that they are meant for ageing parents without family or relatives nearby – or those in crisis. Because the reality is that a move to a senior living community can be decidedly beneficial for seniors in many situations. How! Let
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14 Things Most People Don’t Know About Parkinson Disease

January 4, 2016 Senior Living 

What is Parkinson disease? Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurological disorder characterized mainly by problems with body movements, although other symptoms may also be present. It is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease, and one of the most common movem
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Relive College Days Post Retirement

November 30, 2015 Senior Living 

Ageing is a time of adaptation and change; it is also a time to have some fun. Moving into your own house is not enough, it is important to enjoy your environment and celebrate life as you grow old. Senior Living Testimonial, Ashiana Utsav Bhiwadi: Ashok Gupta, Ashiana Housing Ever thought of a reti
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7 Things you Should Know About Arthritis

November 3, 2015 Senior Living 

What is Arthritis? Arthritis means joint inflammation and is a general term used to describe around 200 rheumatic diseases and conditions that affect joints, the tissues surrounding the joints, and other connective tissue. It is characterized by aches, pains, swelling and stiffness in and around joi
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Retire with Dignity and Freedom

September 30, 2015 Senior Living 

Senior Living societies are gaining momentum within Indian real estate market. They target the middle and high income group of senior citizens who are financially stable. There is a rapid growth in the requirement of senior apartment livings and major cities like Bhiwadi-Delhi/NCR, Chennai, Jaipur,
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Senior Living – Dignified And Independent Living Post Retirement

July 14, 2014 Senior Living 

Independent Young Seniors Today’s senior citizen generation is more educated and financially stable than their predecessors. They may have aged physically but they are young at heart. Elderly today are independent and attuned to the current times, and conscious about the ‘Perform or Perish’ sc
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